how to control anger: 20 tips to tame your temper

It’s difficult to keep your cool when you’re angry. To stay in control, use easy anger management techniques like taking a timeout and employing “I” statements.

Did you know that those who are often angry are more prone to suffer from a heart attack? These techniques will teach you how to manage your anger.

Anger, on the other hand, can be an issue if it leads to aggressive behavior, outbursts, or even violent altercations.

Anger management is essential for preventing you from saying or doing anything you may later regret. You can utilize particular tactics for regulating anger before it escalates.

Count down

Count to ten (or up to ten). Start at 100 if you’re very upset. Your pulse rate will slow and your anger will likely fade in the time it takes you to count.

Take a breather

As you become more enraged, your breathing becomes shallower and faster. Take several slow, deep breaths from your nose and exhale through your mouth to reverse the trend (and your anger).

Go walk around

Exercising might help you relax and minimize your irritation. Take a walk, ride your bike, or play a round of golf. Anything that stimulates your limbs is beneficial to your mind and body.

Relax your muscles

Progressive muscle relaxation entails tensing and slowly relaxing different muscle groups in your body one by one. Take deep, deliberate breaths as you tension and relax.

Repeat a mantra

Look for a word or phrase that can help you relax and refocus. When you’re upset, repeat that term to yourself again and over. “Take it easy,” “relax,” and “you’ll be OK” are all good examples.


Stretch neck and shoulder rolls are two non-strengthening yoga-like moves that can help you gain control of your body and emotions. There’s no need for specialized equipment.

Mentally escape

Put yourself in a quiet room, close your eyes, and imagine yourself in a pleasant scene. Concentrate on the finer elements of the imagined scene: what color is the water? What is the height of the mountains? What does it sound like when the birds chirp? This technique can assist you in regaining control of your rage.

Identify possible solutions

Rather than focusing on what made you angry, focused on resolving the current problem.

Is your child’s strewn-about room driving you insane? Close the door behind you. Is your boyfriend always late for dinner? Plan your meals for later in the evening — or agree to dine alone a couple times per week.

Remind yourself that anger isn’t going to solve anything and may even make things worse.

Stick with ‘I’ statements

Use ‘I’ statements instead of ‘you’ phrases.
Use “I” phrases to describe the situation instead of criticizing or blaming, which will just add to the stress. Respectful and specific communication is essential. Instead of saying, “You never do any housework,” say, “I’m disappointed that you left the table without offering to help with the dishes.”

Don’t hold a grudge

Forgiveness is a powerful tool. If you allow anger and other negative feelings to crowd out positive feelings, you might find yourself swallowed up by your own bitterness or sense of injustice. But if you can forgive someone who angered you, you might both learn from the situation and strengthen your relationship.

Use humor to release tension

To de-stress, use comedy.Relaxation might be aided by lightening up. Use humor to help you deal with whatever it is that is making you upset, as well as any unreasonable expectations you may have about how things should go. Sarcasm, on the other hand, should be avoided because it might hurt feelings and make things worse.Practice your relaxing techniques.

Practice relaxation skills

Put your relaxation abilities to use when your temper rises.

Deep breathing exercises, visualizing a soothing landscape, or repeating a calming word or phrase, such as “Take it easy,” can all help you relax. You can also relax by listening to music, writing in a diary, or doing a few yoga positions – whatever it takes.

Play some tunes

Allow music to transport you away from your emotions. Put your earbuds in or get in your car. Turn on your favorite tunes and hum, bounce, or sashay away your rage.When you’re angry, it’s tempting to let go with your rage, but you’re more likely to cause harm than good. Pretend you’re a youngster again, with your lips sealed shut.

Stop talking

When you’re angry, it’s tempting to let go with your rage, but you’re more likely to cause harm than good. Pretend you’re a youngster again, with your lips sealed shut. This period of silence will allow you to collect your thoughts.

Take a timeout

Allow yourself to relax. Take a seat away from the crowd. You can process events and bring your emotions to neutral during this peaceful time. You could discover that this time away from others is so beneficial that you wish to incorporate it into your regular plan.

Take action

Use your rage to your advantage. Please sign a petition. Make a note to a government official. Make a difference in someone else’s life. Put your emotions and energy into something healthy and constructive.

Find the most immediate solution

Determine the most expedient solution.
You may be annoyed that your youngster has left their room in a shambles before going to see a friend. Close the door. You can momentarily suppress your rage by removing it from your field of vision. In any case, look for similar solutions.

Rehearse your response

Prepare for an outburst by practicing what you’ll say or how you’ll address the matter in the future. This rehearsal period also allows you to role-play a variety of different answers.

Picture a stop sign

When you’re furious, the global gesture for pause can help you relax. It’s a quick approach to visualize the necessity to stop yourself, your behaviors, and leave the situation.

Change your routine

Find a new route if your slow commute to work makes you upset before you’ve even had your coffee. Consider alternatives that may take longer but result in less stress in the long run.

Talk to a friend

Don’t ruminate on the circumstances that enraged you. Talking with a trusted, supportive friend who might possibly provide a new viewpoint can help you process what happened.


A positive mood can turn a terrible day around. Find opportunities to laugh, whether it’s playing with your kids, watching stand-up comedy, or scrolling through memes.

Practice gratitude

When everything seems to be going wrong, take a moment to focus on what’s right. Seeing how many excellent things you have in your life can help you overcome your anger and turn things around.

Set a timer

When you’re upset, the first thing that comes to mind is probably not the best thing to say. Allow yourself a certain amount of time before responding. This time will assist you in becoming more calm and succinct.