The Paradox of Behavior Change

Life’s inherent propensity is to seek stability. Equilibrium or homeostasis are terms used in biology to describe this process.

Consider your blood pressure, for example. When your blood pressure drops too low, your heart rate accelerates up and nudges it back into a healthy range. When it climbs too high, your kidneys pump out urine, reducing the quantity of fluid in your body. Your blood vessels, meanwhile, assist in maintaining the balance by constricting and extending as needed.

The human body uses hundreds of feedback loops to maintain a stable balance in blood pressure, body temperature, glucose levels, calcium levels, and many other activities.

Martial arts instructor George Leonard points out in his book Mastery that our daily lives build their own degrees of homeostasis. We develop habits about how often we exercise (or don’t), how often we clean the dishes (or don’t), how often we contact our parents (or don’t), and everything else in between. Each of us eventually finds our own notion of balance.

There are various pressures and feedback loops that govern the unique balance of your behaviors, just as there are in your body. The delicate balance between your surroundings, your genetic potential, your tracking techniques, and many other influences governs your everyday routines. As time passes, this balance becomes so commonplace that it is no longer noticeable.

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The Myth of Radical Change

Our society is rife with the myths of radical transformation and sudden triumph. “The biggest error most individuals make in life is not setting objectives high enough,” experts say. “If you want enormous results, you have to take massive action,” they say.

These words appear to be motivating on the surface. What we don’t grasp is that any ambition for quick progress is in direct opposition to every stabilizing influence in our life. Remember that life’s inherent impulse is to seek stability. When equilibrium is lost, the system is driven to re-establish it.

If you go too far outside of your regular range of performance, practically every factor in your life will be screaming to bring you back into balance.

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Almost everyone who has attempted to make a significant change in their lives has encountered this. You finally muster the willpower to stick to a new diet, only to discover that your coworkers are sabotaging your efforts. You make a commitment to go for a run every night, and within a week, you’re asked to work late. Your kids keep barging into the room as you begin a new meditation routine.

Whether we are striving to change for the better or for the worse, the forces in our life that have formed our present balance will strive to pull us back. “Resistance is proportional to the size and pace of the change, not to whether the change is positive or negative,” says George Leonard.

To put it another way, the faster you try to change, the more likely you are to revert. The quest of quick change activates a slew of opposing forces attempting to entice you back to your prior way of life. You might be able to maintain equilibrium for a short while, but your energy will quickly dwindle, and the backsliding will begin.

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#1 Peak Performance Coaching Program For Men – Habit Accelerator™


The Optimal Rate of Growth

Of course, change is conceivable, but it can only be sustained for a limited period of time. When an athlete overtrains, she becomes ill or injured. When a corporation makes too many changes too rapidly, the culture becomes shattered, and people get disgruntled. When a leader goes too far with his personal agenda, the country riots, and the people re-establish the power balance. Extreme circumstances are not good for living systems.

There is, thankfully, a better method.

Consider the following remark from Peter Senge, a systems expert. “Every natural system, from ecosystems to animals to organizations, has innately appropriate growth rates.” The best pace of growth is far slower than the quickest feasible rate. When growth becomes excessive, as it occurs in cancer, the system will try to compensate by slowing down, potentially jeopardizing the organization’s life.”

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When you consolidate little victories and focus on one percent improvements, on the other hand, you move equilibrium forward. It’s similar to putting on muscle. Your muscles will atrophy if the weight is too light. You’ll be hurt if the weight is too heavy. However, if the weight is only a little more than usual, your muscles will adapt to the increased stimulation.


The Paradox of Behavior Change

We must work with, not against, the basic forces in our life if we want change to last. Almost everything in your everyday life has a natural set point, a regular tempo, and a predictable rhythm. If we get too far past this point of balance, we’ll be jerked back to the starting point.

As a result, the greatest strategy to establish a new level of balance is to make tiny victories every day rather than making major changes.

The biggest contradiction of behavior modification is this. If you try to alter your life all at once, you’ll find yourself falling back into the same old routines. However, if you simply focus on modifying your typical day, you will discover that your life will change.

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#1 Peak Performance Coaching Program For Men – Habit Accelerator™

#1 Peak Performance Coaching Program For Men – Habit Accelerator™