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Pornography vs. sexual science: The role of pornography use and dependency in U.S. teenagers’ sexual illiteracy
Authors: Paul J. Wright, Robert S. Tokunaga, Debby Herbenick, and Bryant Paul
Published: October 2021
Peer-Reviewed Journal: Communication Monographs
This study examined U.S. adolescents’ pornography consumption, pornography dependency, and belief in a variety of notions contradicted by basic sexological science. Data were from 595 youth aged 14–18 who participated in a population-based probability survey. Consistent with the sexual script acquisition, activation, application model (3AM) of sexual media socialization, adolescents who had viewed pornography were more likely to hold erroneous sexual beliefs than adolescents who had not viewed pornography. Also, consistent with the 3AM, more frequent pornography consumption and higher levels of pornography dependency were independently associated with holding erroneous beliefs about sex among pornography consumers. Counter to theoretical expectations, the frequency of pornography consumption did not interact with pornography dependency in the prediction of erroneous sexual beliefs.

Erotic entertainment researchers have noticed various intermittent messages about sex in well-known, normally devoured porn (Ainsworth-Masiello and Evans, 2019; Bridges et al., 2010; Dawson et al., 2020; Dines, 2010; Klaassen and Peter, 2015; Rothman et al., 2020).
The accompanying messages, specifically, have been noted: ladies have climaxes moderately effectively through vaginal intercourse; it is normal for ladies to spurt liquids when they have climaxes; men should have enormous penises to fulfill their accomplices; men can take part in supporting pushing without peaking to delay intercourse for a drawn-out timeframe; most ladies appreciate butt-centric sex; men lean toward numerous nonexclusive sexual experiences to a serious relationship and appreciate heartfelt sex substantially less than ladies do; unpleasant sex is normal (e.g., sex including choking, punishing, and affronts), while more delicate sex is similarly uncommon (e.g., sex including kissing, embracing, and supplements).
Every one of these messages is mistaken by fundamental human sexuality research. Most ladies don’t encounter climaxes effectively through vaginal intercourse (Herbenick et al., 2018; Shirazi et al., 2018). Scarcely any ladies spurt while climaxing (Pastor, 2013; Pastor and Chimel, 2017; Salama et al., 2015). Sexual fulfillment during sex with men isn’t reliant upon penis size (Lever et al., 2006; Stulhofer, 2006). Intercourse including guys doesn’t typically keep going extremely long before discharge (Miller and Byers, 2004). Most ladies detest butt-centric sex (Herbenick et al., 2017). Men are considerably more liable to have monogamous sex than sex with relaxed accomplices (Levine et al., 2018) and appreciate heartfelt sex however much ladies do (Herbenick et al., 2017). At last, tender sex is more normal and liked than harsh sex (Herbenick et al., 2017).
The current study’s data came from the National Survey of Pornography Use, Relationships, and Sexual Socialization (NSPRSS), a population-based probability survey of Americans aged 14 to 60 (Herbenick et al., 2020). 614 adolescents were included in the NSPRSS teen sub-sample. 595 people replied to the sexual belief questions.
They came from 48 different states, were 14 to 18, and averaged 15.96 years old (SD = 1.39). White kids made up 55.40 percent of the sample, while the youth of color made up 44.60 percent. Female youth made up 50.70 percent of the sample, while male youth made up 49.30 percent. Heterosexual kids made up 94.50 percent of the sample, whereas sexually varied youth (i.e., LGB+) made up 5.50 percent.
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The more pornographically reliant adolescents were for sexual learning, the more erroneous sexual views they had (r =.30, p.01)…. The more pornography teenagers watched, the more erroneous sexual views they retained (r =.22, p.01)….
Adolescents who had seen pornography were more likely than those who had not to have erroneous attitudes about sex (r =.29, p.01). Sexually inexperienced kids had a higher link between pornography addiction and erroneous sexual views, whereas sexually experienced youth were more likely to already have erroneous sexual ideas.
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Further, precocious sexual experience was correlated with dependency on pornography for sexual learning, and path analysis indicated that the association between pornography dependency and erroneous sexual beliefs was mediated by early sexual experience.